
Norwalk Court Reporter
The next time you need to depose a witness in Norwalk, Connecticut, call Chait Digital. Every court reporter and legal videographer on our dedicated team offers law firms the finest in litigation support in Norwalk.
A Chait Digital certified court reporter uses the most up-to-date technologies available including realtime reporting which provides instant translation of keystrokes into words on your computer screen during the deposition. With realtime you immediately see the witness' testimony and virtually eliminates the need for questions to ever be read back by the court reporter.
Chait Digital also offers E-transcripts and remote access reporting or videocasting using LiveNote and/or VBrick technologies.
Norwalk Court Reporter
With a commitment to excellence, every certified legal video specialist at Chait Digital offers the latest in digital video technology.
The transcript doesn't always convey everything that goes on at a deposition even though the court reporter has gotten all the words down accurately. The witness' demeanor in general as well as long pauses or questioning glances at his attorney don't appear on the transcript.
Let a certified videographer from Chait Digital videotape your next deposition in Norwalk.
So you'll be able to view your depositions anywhere, let Chait Digital transfer the tapes onto CD or DVD so you can watch them right on your computer. We also provide the service of video-text synchronization in a process that synchronizes the transcript with the video onto a CD for presentation at trial.